Tuesday 30 March 2010

Synopsis and treatment for own idea

Title of Program
Ill rap init

Crew Members
Gareth Gorvin
Frazer Jolly
Robert Graham
Luke hindle

Program Format
Music Video

Intended Audience
Male/Female 16-40, parody rock/rap fans.

Intended Program Length
3 - 3.5 Minutes


Ipswich, portman road.


3 minute rap about life as a superhero

The basic idea is that a trio of rapping superheroes who have their own unique super powers rap about fighting crime in the city and how they will defeat the evil Doctor Deaf, also the video will contain a performance of the rap. The first superhero is named ‘Razawr’ and his alter ego is Frazer, his super power is that he can fire razors from his hands. the second superhero goes by the name of ‘Ock’ and he is super strong, his alter ego is Luke. The third superhero is named ‘Planet’ because he has a planet for a head. The music video will follow a comedic narrative which will involve the trio of super heroes being called up by the president and rushing to a robbery. The video will begin with the trio in their secret lair, practising their super powers and training for combat. When the trio receive the phone call from the president detailing them on the robbery taking place at the city museum, they quickly fly to the scene of the crime. When they reach the scene of the crime they engage in an epic struggle with the dreaded Doctor Deaf. the trio eventually save the day and Doctor Deaf is left defeated. Each of the superheroes wears a skin tight leotard. The video will be filmed using a mixture of Green Screen and a cartoon style wooden set. The target audience of the video is young people and teenagers.


The video will open with an establishing shot of a remote island I the middle of an ocean, the camera will zoom in to island and into the superheroes secret lair. The island is volcanic and the lair itself is deep under ground inside a volcano. During the establishing shot, a commentary will be heard and will help the viewers understand what is going on, the song will then start as the heroes are introduced. At the start of the video one of the superheroes is sitting on the sofa with his feet on a small table and the other two are playing ping pong in the background. This will be filmed form above the television. At this point the telephone will ring and one of them will answer it. We are then transported into the office of the president, who informs the superheroes of a robbery taking place in a museum just over the road from the presidents office, we can see explosions in the background. There is then a transition back to the superheroes lair that shows them getting ready for combat. The Mise-en-scene of the lair includes bright colours like reds, blues and greens against grey. The next shot is of the inside of the museum in which we can see people running to get away from Doctor Deaf as he is scaling the wall of the inside of the museum riding a giant robot spider. The heroes then burst in through a window and ‘Razawr’ fires razors at Doctor Deaf. There is then an epic fighting montage which has subtitled comic sound effects like ’Zapp’ added for dramatic effect. The final sequence shows Doctor Deaf’s mechanical spider being destroyed and the heroes firing Doctor Deaf back to Uranus. There will also be clips of the Super Trio performing the rap between sequences. The editing towards the start of the video will contain slow moving transitions but the speed will pick up as the action increases. The fight sequence will be edited so that the action is happening within sections of a comic magazine and will freeze as the sections move on. The cinematography and shot sizes will consist of wide establishing shots in the opening section of the video, there will also be dramatic close ups used to capture facial expression and over shoulder shots for an interesting perception. The song will be played through the entire video.

story board

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