Tuesday 30 March 2010

Shot list


Gareth Gorvin


DATE: 23/3/10



Frazer Jolly, Gareth Gorvin, Luke Hindle and Rob Graham


Frazer Jolly, Gareth Gorvin, Luke Hindle and Rob Graham

St Helens Street, St Edmunds Building allay way, Skate Park and Docks

TIME OF DAY: Daytime


Scene and shot numbers

1,1 Tracking shot of Gareth walking around the corner towards a shop to buy some popcorn, Mugger(Rob) follows me off camera.

1,2 Wide shot of Gareth walking into shop pursued by mugger(rob), Mugger hides round corner waiting to strike.

2,1 Wide shot of Gareth coming out of shop and walking away, Mugger(rob) jumps out and comes from behind Gareth.

2,2 Mid shot of Rob confronting Gareth and pulling a knife out. 2 3 Over shoulder of Gareth over Rob’s shoulder capturing the fear in Gareth’s eyes.

2,4 2 shot of Rob ‘shanking’ Gareth and snatching the popcorn from his grasp. Rob then runs away with the popcorn.

3,1 Wide shot of Gareth running over to tell his friends (Luke and Frazer) what has happened.

3,2 Close up of Gareth with his head in his hands.

3,3 Mid shot of Gareth removing head from hands and rapping.

3,4 Mid shot of Gareth dancing from slightly further away.

3,5 Mid 2 shot of Frazer and Luke listening to Gareth’s verse and nodding.

3,6 Wide shot of Frazer giving reassurance. All of them then leave shot.

3,7 Wide shot of them running around the corner to find the mugger(Rob)

4,1 Dutch tilt POV shot capturing rob running around the corner with Gareth’s popcorn.

4,2 Wide shot of Rob running around the corner with popcorn

4,3 Low shot of robs legs running into shot as he then sits against the wall.

4,4 Close up of Rob’s face as he lip syncs a section of the verse.

4,5 Mid shot of rob standing and rapping the verse with graffiti in the background.

5,1 Mid/Wide shot of Rob lip syncing the chorus.

5,2 Wide shot from the left of Rob as he walks around the corner, and Gareth, Frazer and Luke poke their heads around the corner in the background.

5,3 Wide shot of Frazer, Gareth and Luke looking around the corner whilst lip syncing the chorus. 6 1 Close up of Frazer’s eyes as he looks around the corner.

6,2 Frazer’s POV shot capturing Rob standing in the warehouse with popcorn.

6,3 Wide shot capturing Gareth, Frazer and Luke lurking behind the wall spying on rob. Rob is in the background.

6,4 Over shoulder shot showing Gareth, Frazer and Luke hiding behind a three of fridges.

6,5 Rob’s POV, he turns to look at the three fridges then looks away again.

6,6 Over shoulder shot of Gareth, Frazer and Luke coming out from behind the fridges and strutting over to confront Rob.

6,7 Hand held shot of Frazer rapping in Rob’s face. This is filmed from Luke’s POV as Luke and Gareth circle Rob and Frazer.

6,8 Over shoulder shot of Rob running away. Frazer jumps down from the stall and follows.

7,1 Panning shot from the outside of the warehouse as Rob runs past Followed by Frazer and Luke.

8,1 Wide shot shows Rob running around the corner.

8,2 mid shot shows Rob as he runs into a hand rail. Frazer and Luke then come round the corner.

8,3 Hand held shot of Luke and Frazer pushing Rob against the wall. Frazer then punches Rob in the face and knees him in the head. Rob falls down.

8,4 Wide shot of Rob on the floor as Frazer and Luke kick and punch him. Gareth then comes around the corner and joins in.

8,5 Close up of Rob laying on the floor as Luke takes the popcorn.

8,6 Low angle shot shows rob laying on the floor and Gareth, Frazer and Luke walk away. Rob then starts to get up.

8,7 Wide shot shows Rob running away and around the corner.

8,8 Wide shot of Gareth, Frazer and Luke running around the corner from which they came, with the popcorn.

9,1 Wide shot shows the three of them gather around and sit on a railing.

9,2 Wide/mid shot Luke give the popcorn back to Gareth.

9,3 Close up of Gareth with the popcorn.

9,4 Close up of Gareth opening the popcorn.

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