Wednesday 21 April 2010

Tuesday 30 March 2010


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page 2 of script

Shot list


Gareth Gorvin


DATE: 23/3/10



Frazer Jolly, Gareth Gorvin, Luke Hindle and Rob Graham


Frazer Jolly, Gareth Gorvin, Luke Hindle and Rob Graham

St Helens Street, St Edmunds Building allay way, Skate Park and Docks

TIME OF DAY: Daytime


Scene and shot numbers

1,1 Tracking shot of Gareth walking around the corner towards a shop to buy some popcorn, Mugger(Rob) follows me off camera.

1,2 Wide shot of Gareth walking into shop pursued by mugger(rob), Mugger hides round corner waiting to strike.

2,1 Wide shot of Gareth coming out of shop and walking away, Mugger(rob) jumps out and comes from behind Gareth.

2,2 Mid shot of Rob confronting Gareth and pulling a knife out. 2 3 Over shoulder of Gareth over Rob’s shoulder capturing the fear in Gareth’s eyes.

2,4 2 shot of Rob ‘shanking’ Gareth and snatching the popcorn from his grasp. Rob then runs away with the popcorn.

3,1 Wide shot of Gareth running over to tell his friends (Luke and Frazer) what has happened.

3,2 Close up of Gareth with his head in his hands.

3,3 Mid shot of Gareth removing head from hands and rapping.

3,4 Mid shot of Gareth dancing from slightly further away.

3,5 Mid 2 shot of Frazer and Luke listening to Gareth’s verse and nodding.

3,6 Wide shot of Frazer giving reassurance. All of them then leave shot.

3,7 Wide shot of them running around the corner to find the mugger(Rob)

4,1 Dutch tilt POV shot capturing rob running around the corner with Gareth’s popcorn.

4,2 Wide shot of Rob running around the corner with popcorn

4,3 Low shot of robs legs running into shot as he then sits against the wall.

4,4 Close up of Rob’s face as he lip syncs a section of the verse.

4,5 Mid shot of rob standing and rapping the verse with graffiti in the background.

5,1 Mid/Wide shot of Rob lip syncing the chorus.

5,2 Wide shot from the left of Rob as he walks around the corner, and Gareth, Frazer and Luke poke their heads around the corner in the background.

5,3 Wide shot of Frazer, Gareth and Luke looking around the corner whilst lip syncing the chorus. 6 1 Close up of Frazer’s eyes as he looks around the corner.

6,2 Frazer’s POV shot capturing Rob standing in the warehouse with popcorn.

6,3 Wide shot capturing Gareth, Frazer and Luke lurking behind the wall spying on rob. Rob is in the background.

6,4 Over shoulder shot showing Gareth, Frazer and Luke hiding behind a three of fridges.

6,5 Rob’s POV, he turns to look at the three fridges then looks away again.

6,6 Over shoulder shot of Gareth, Frazer and Luke coming out from behind the fridges and strutting over to confront Rob.

6,7 Hand held shot of Frazer rapping in Rob’s face. This is filmed from Luke’s POV as Luke and Gareth circle Rob and Frazer.

6,8 Over shoulder shot of Rob running away. Frazer jumps down from the stall and follows.

7,1 Panning shot from the outside of the warehouse as Rob runs past Followed by Frazer and Luke.

8,1 Wide shot shows Rob running around the corner.

8,2 mid shot shows Rob as he runs into a hand rail. Frazer and Luke then come round the corner.

8,3 Hand held shot of Luke and Frazer pushing Rob against the wall. Frazer then punches Rob in the face and knees him in the head. Rob falls down.

8,4 Wide shot of Rob on the floor as Frazer and Luke kick and punch him. Gareth then comes around the corner and joins in.

8,5 Close up of Rob laying on the floor as Luke takes the popcorn.

8,6 Low angle shot shows rob laying on the floor and Gareth, Frazer and Luke walk away. Rob then starts to get up.

8,7 Wide shot shows Rob running away and around the corner.

8,8 Wide shot of Gareth, Frazer and Luke running around the corner from which they came, with the popcorn.

9,1 Wide shot shows the three of them gather around and sit on a railing.

9,2 Wide/mid shot Luke give the popcorn back to Gareth.

9,3 Close up of Gareth with the popcorn.

9,4 Close up of Gareth opening the popcorn.

Callsheet and Risk assessment

Synopsis and treatment for own idea

Title of Program
Ill rap init

Crew Members
Gareth Gorvin
Frazer Jolly
Robert Graham
Luke hindle

Program Format
Music Video

Intended Audience
Male/Female 16-40, parody rock/rap fans.

Intended Program Length
3 - 3.5 Minutes


Ipswich, portman road.


3 minute rap about life as a superhero

The basic idea is that a trio of rapping superheroes who have their own unique super powers rap about fighting crime in the city and how they will defeat the evil Doctor Deaf, also the video will contain a performance of the rap. The first superhero is named ‘Razawr’ and his alter ego is Frazer, his super power is that he can fire razors from his hands. the second superhero goes by the name of ‘Ock’ and he is super strong, his alter ego is Luke. The third superhero is named ‘Planet’ because he has a planet for a head. The music video will follow a comedic narrative which will involve the trio of super heroes being called up by the president and rushing to a robbery. The video will begin with the trio in their secret lair, practising their super powers and training for combat. When the trio receive the phone call from the president detailing them on the robbery taking place at the city museum, they quickly fly to the scene of the crime. When they reach the scene of the crime they engage in an epic struggle with the dreaded Doctor Deaf. the trio eventually save the day and Doctor Deaf is left defeated. Each of the superheroes wears a skin tight leotard. The video will be filmed using a mixture of Green Screen and a cartoon style wooden set. The target audience of the video is young people and teenagers.


The video will open with an establishing shot of a remote island I the middle of an ocean, the camera will zoom in to island and into the superheroes secret lair. The island is volcanic and the lair itself is deep under ground inside a volcano. During the establishing shot, a commentary will be heard and will help the viewers understand what is going on, the song will then start as the heroes are introduced. At the start of the video one of the superheroes is sitting on the sofa with his feet on a small table and the other two are playing ping pong in the background. This will be filmed form above the television. At this point the telephone will ring and one of them will answer it. We are then transported into the office of the president, who informs the superheroes of a robbery taking place in a museum just over the road from the presidents office, we can see explosions in the background. There is then a transition back to the superheroes lair that shows them getting ready for combat. The Mise-en-scene of the lair includes bright colours like reds, blues and greens against grey. The next shot is of the inside of the museum in which we can see people running to get away from Doctor Deaf as he is scaling the wall of the inside of the museum riding a giant robot spider. The heroes then burst in through a window and ‘Razawr’ fires razors at Doctor Deaf. There is then an epic fighting montage which has subtitled comic sound effects like ’Zapp’ added for dramatic effect. The final sequence shows Doctor Deaf’s mechanical spider being destroyed and the heroes firing Doctor Deaf back to Uranus. There will also be clips of the Super Trio performing the rap between sequences. The editing towards the start of the video will contain slow moving transitions but the speed will pick up as the action increases. The fight sequence will be edited so that the action is happening within sections of a comic magazine and will freeze as the sections move on. The cinematography and shot sizes will consist of wide establishing shots in the opening section of the video, there will also be dramatic close ups used to capture facial expression and over shoulder shots for an interesting perception. The song will be played through the entire video.

story board

Music video story boards

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Music video project

The project started with with us choosing the group we were going to spend the rotation working with. Me and Rob originaly choose to work together becuase i play guitar and he plays drums, this seemed like a good idea. We then choose to work with Frazer and Luke. The first project we had was to produce a short lip sync video as a warm up for our actual music video. However before we did the lip sync we had a couple of sessions to come up a track for our song we were going to create. in these sessions we planned use the recording studio to record a guitar and drum track. Although, Frazer and Luke do not play instruments, so we then decided to use 'Garage Band', on Garage band, Luke came up with a track. The track Luke created was good, and i used it as a base for the final track which i created. We all put our ideas forward and decided this was track we were going to use. We spent the next few sessions perfecting the track, designating the verses, chorus and the bridge. I was happy with our final track.

The Lyrics

After the lip sync project, The next job was to write the lyrics. Whilst we were creating the track on Garage Band, we came up wit a rough idea of what we wanted to do for the video. Using the Genre that we decided upon and idea of the mugging in the street, I began to write the lyrics for our track. The idea of the first verse was to have a character, which was me in the final project, walking along the street and entering a shop. When the character exited the sho he was going to be approached and mugged by Rob. We decided theses roles becuase Rob is big, and i looked the most likely to be mugged. Anyway, I write the first verse being rapped from my point of view after the mugging. The next verse was going to be presented from the muggers point of view, so with the help of Frazer i then write lyrics for the second and third verse and then chorus. Everyone was happy with the lyrics, it was then where we started to plan the location and plot for the video.

Video Original idea

The idea started off with Me(the victim) walking down the street and entering a corner shop. just before entering the shop we would see Rob(the mugger) follow me and hide behind a corner waiting to strike when i came out. After Rob had confronted and 'knifed' me, he was then going to run away with my sweets leaving me sobbing. it was at this point i would begging my rap. We would then see Rob running into an alley way with my sweets. he then would lip sync his verse.

During the chorus, we originally planned to use the Green screen to lip sync the chorus over, we were then going to edit a city-scape in to the background. Although, when editing we decided not to do this. After Rob had stolen my sweets and ran off with them, i would run to tell my friends about what happened. My Friends who were Frazer and Luke, would then run off with me to find and plot revenge on Rob.

The original idea was to film Frazer and Luke stalking Rob walking down the street using crafty disguises, you can see this in my storyboards. But in the end we improvised on our surroundings (three fridges). Frazer and Luke were then going to jump out on Rob, beat him up and steal back my sweets. The final sequence was going to show Frazer and Luke returning the sweets to me and us all living happily ever after.

Video evaluation

I was very pleased with our final product and i think i played an important role in its success. The first thing that our group had to do to was produce a track to make the music video for. with the help of Frazer, Luke and Rob I used Garage band to create the track that we used in our final product. Despite Garage bands reputation of the samples not fitting together with each other, i mannaged to puzzle togeter a track which worked and sounded good, the track i created recieved possitive feedback from mine and other groups in the class. in my spare time i often write and produce my own songs. i also write the lyrics to the track with help from Frazer. Me and my group were very pleased with the final track.

Once we had finished recording our lyrics and peicing them together with our track, we began to work out the narrative of our video, locations and how we were actually going to do it. We all thought that the mugging idea was the one we wanted to use in our video. i feel that my contribution to the preproduction of the video was effective towards the group and final product. if i were asked to make another promotional video for our own song, i would deffinately try to record live instruments and vocals instead of relying on Garage band, i would also make sure we recorded our lyrics as soon as we could to give us plenty of time to think about the video. i am happy with the final track, although i think one of the verses is slightly out of time and a little louder than the others. we could have avoided this problem by allowing more time to rehearse the song and adjusting the sound levels when making the track.

During the production of our video and track i think i have picked up new skills and gained new knowledge of the software. I learnt how to use software that was new to me. Before this rotation it was not clear to me how to use Final cut pro, but whilst we were editing the track i think i sort of got the hang of it, if you asked me to use Final cut before this rotation i would have no idea what i was doing, but with the help of Luke and Rob who have used it before, i feel i have deffinately broadened my understanding. I also feel that i can now use Garage band effectively, i have used software simmilar to Garage Band before, so picking it up was not as difficult.

When watching our final video and listening to the finished track i am very happy with the progress we made and the technical quality of the finished peice. However, i do think there is room for improvement, like i have mentioned allready the sound levels could have been slightly adjusted during the creation of our track, although, i still feel pleased with the track and i feel it meets the standards expected. During the edit of the video, we found it difficult to get the lip syncing exactly in time with the video.

When we had finished a rough edit of our video and showed it to the class, it was clear to us that we needed to do some work towards getting the lip sync in time with the track. The feedback we recieved from the class was very possitive. People liked our track and found the video entertaining and amusing. This was a good start, although people did pick up on the lip syncing and some dodgey editing we needed to tighten up. when it came to producing a final edit we tried to righten all the wrongs we had made in our rough edit. When playing the video back on Final Cut, it seemed that the lip sync was now perfectly in time with the track, but when we compressed the video for some reason it was out of time with the track. However, this didnt matter so much because there was nothing we could have done about it, other groups also had this problem.

When we filmed the video we tryed to use a range of interresting camera angles and cinematography, the shots we used inclued Dutch tilts, over shoulder shots, Point Of View shots, Hand held shots and we tryed to include interresting foreground and back ground shots. In the edit we selected the shots we thought were the most effective in capturing the action unnfolding.

We also tryed to use interesting mise-en-scene in our video. The genre of of music video was a rock/rap parody, and i think that if you watched our video with out the sound. you could work out its genre. We used Graffiti in the background of many of our shots to fit in with the videos genre. A good example of the parody genre would be the 3 fridges that we found in a disused ice cream factory, and used them to hide behind. We knew that location was important for the mise-en-scene of our video so we filmed the video in alley ways and 'Ghetto' simulting enviroments to fit with the genre we were looking for.

At the start of the video we used a Freach jaz saxophone as a background track for when i am walking down the street to enter the shop. I think this worked well as it helped create a casual atmosphere, and in effect makes the mugging more surprising, it also is a real contrast with our track. When our track kicks in it is as if the mugging is really happening. This is helped with my fantastic silent movie acting skills. We intended on being able to here Rob saying "Oy! Give us your popcorn!" but in the final video its a bit quite. We would improve this by just adjusting the audio levels.

I think that the narrative in our video fits in great with our rap/rock parody genre. The mugging, fight scene and revenge are typical of a video like ours, and i dont think there is much wrong with the narrative execpt some continuity issues, like towards the start of the video Rob is wearing a hat, and then in the next shot he isnt. Which is a basic error that we didnt only notice untill recently. our video doesnt really contain anything noticably intertextual, or that we inteded to be intertextual. However, you could say the video resembles music videos like Beastie Boys 'Sabotage' or 'Ch-Check it out'.

When comparing our video to our original synopsis and treatement, there is noticable differences. When we came to filming the 'stalking' sequence, we found 3 old fridges that had been dumped in a disused ice cream factory, we then decided it was a much better idea for us to use these as hiding places, where as our original idea was to dress up in disguises. We decided that using disguises may be confusing to the people watching the video, so we positioned the fridges so we could hide behind them. We also didnt intend on including a chase sequence in our original script.

I do think that the characters in our video came across as we intended them to. Rob tryed to wear chavy clothes that resembled a mugger and i think it was obvious when watching the video. i also think i make a good mugging victim and other people in the class agreed with me. i think all the characters in the video came across as we intended. if i was given the same project again i would try and get more people involved with the confrontation between us and Rob in the video just before he runs away.

I have really enjoyed this rotation and i a pleased with our final video, i feel as if i have achieved what i wanted at the start of the project and i think it comes across effectively, i think our video is a strong example of the genre of the song, and the video is complementery for the song. i know that the editing of the video could have been a little tighter, we could have made it more obvious that time had passed when i enter and exit the shop, and the track could have done with some adjusting. But i am quite proud of the final video.